B2B Technology Marketing needs Content Engineers

Written by Mike Broomfield | 27/11/14 13:19

A new breed of marketer is emerging as top B2B Technology Marketing roles are becoming more aligned to those of Chief Marketing Engineer (CME). 

Historically, when developing a campaign, marketers started with the creative side of things.  Now the focus is on data first.  Reading signals from data and analytics, targeting and segmentation of the data based on the specific needs of your buyer persona to lead nurturing and moving your prospects through the decision cycle.  Gone are the traditional advertising, event management and outbound methods of yesteryear. 

But wait… what happened to marketing creativity?

Digital marketing and highly detailed analytics have transformed the CME's capability to exercise command and control over their organisation’s marketing strategy and execution. Integrated marketing automation tools such as Hubspot deliver an incredible amount of real time data on what is happening with marketing execution programs, spend and conversion rates, similar to control and monitoring systems used by engineers to ensure their machines are working correctly. 

So where is the creativity you ask?

The creativity comes from:

  • Having your buyer personas figured out
  • Engagement tactics
  • Nurturing and conversion workflow

The really creative element, the 'creative flair' in B2B marketing is through the content. Creating and delivering consistently high-quality content that is fresh and relevant to each of your target audiences is vital for bringing in new leads and retaining customers. Content that is going turn strangers who are searching for information to solve their needs into engaged leads and eventually customers.

So are you gutsy enough to change your job title when the refresh on business cards comes along? Are you are scientist or an engineer?

Successful B2B marketing strategies and execution demands a structured engineered approach, with creative flair. Intellegentia provides that leadership and guidance as well as full service demand creation capabilities for technology company marketing teams who are tasked with supporting revenue generation, increased profitability, and reduce sales cycles. Click below to download the guide on content marketing and how to leverage content to boost your inbound marketing strategy.

PS, if you poll CEO's in Germany and ask their background, the chances are a majority of them are engineers...think about it.