Marketing Automation - An Introduction

Written by Jane Broomfield | 24/07/14 09:00

Ever wondered how to ensure that the leads you find via your carefully planned marketing campaigns don’t become lost when you pass them over to sales? With 69% of leads getting no follow-up at all because sales people are busy trying to close orders and quickly lose interest in large batches of new enquiries how do you bridge that gap between Marketing and Sales in order to ensure that those prospects don’t become lost into the vortex?

The answer… Marketing Automation. This is the process that supports the engagement of prospects through the sales funnel. It consists of a series of automated processes and communications designed to build trust and keep your company front of mind until a prospect is ready to buy, increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of B2B marketing operations.

HubSpot is the leading inbound marketing and marketing automation software platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.

As a Hubspot Partner, Intellegentia can help you define your inbound marketing strategy and run with it using this software - delivering leads and helping you achieve your sales-related business goals.

Start being more efficient at deploying your marketing campaigns and use workflows and nurturing to convert leads to customers with Intellegentia and Hubspot!

Why not see for yourself?