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5 Essential Metrics to Measure Your Inbound Marketing Success

“We have just passed the 1000 followers mark on Twitter.”

“My latest blog post had 500 views!”

These are the kind of metrics you might hear many B2B inbound marketers bragging about.

There is nothing wrong with tracking things like how many followers you have on various networks, or how many likes and shares your content is receiving. Those are important metrics for certain purposes.

But they are not a measure of success.

Topics: Inbound Marketing

The Importance of Digital Body Language in Complex Sales Cycles

Understanding body language is a wonderful tool when it comes to selling. Sales professionals can quickly determine the type of buyer a prospect is by observing their body language, the way they defer questions or ask them, who shows an interest in what topics and so much more subtle evidence is provided unsuspectingly by the potential customer.

In boardrooms, face-to-face meetings, business lunches and conferences that’s easy to assess!

Topics: Sales Enablement Inbound Marketing B2B Lead Generation

Lead management: The key to improving the quality of your leads

Are you frustrated with the amount of time you’re spending on qualifying and weeding out your genuine buyers from the time-wasters?

Sifting through and identifying your genuine leads can be an incredibly arduous task that eats into expensive sales time which, in turn, ultimately detracts from revenue. It can also result in some genuine opportunities being lost.

Unfortunately, it’s a common mistake we’ve seen many businesses make over the years. But it’s a mistake that can easily be rectified if you have the standards and processes in place to enable you to properly nurture and manage your leads.

Topics: Sales & Marketing Alignment Sales Enablement B2B Lead Generation

4 Steps for Driving Lead Generation with Inbound Marketing

Remember when marketing was a matter of contacting enough people, no matter how intrusively, or whether they were in your target audience, hoping that eventually some leads would come rolling in? Unfortunately for some marketers, the modern buyer is a lot more intelligent, and these once common practice marketing techniques will no longer cut it.

The buyer is constantly changing. Their journey and behaviour is influenced by advances in technology, cultural trends and rising demand for and availability of products and services. As a result, the way we do marketing has had to adapt as well.

Topics: Inbound Marketing B2B Lead Generation

6 Reasons B2B Technology Companies Should be Using Social Media

With 70% of B2B decision-makers employing social media to research and glean information about their purchases, it is becoming an increasingly essential aspect of any business’ B2B marketing strategy – but it is of particular importance for technology companies. If you are going to stand out from the crowd in an already crowded marketplace, you need to make use of all available resources to shout your marketing message as loud as you can. It is absolutely mission-critical for any respectable technology company to have a watertight inbound marketing campaign, and in order to maximise its success, you must know how to leverage this channel.

Here are 6 reasons why B2B technology companies should be making use of social media in their inbound marketing strategy.

Topics: Digital Marketing Industry Focus - Technology