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Mike Broomfield

Mike Broomfield

Recent Posts by Mike Broomfield:

2014 Review of Inbound Marketing in the UK

Want to know what you should be concentrating on in 2015 in terms of inbound marketing?

In 2014, HubSpot conducted a survey of marketing professionals and leaders in B2B and B2C organisations to find out about the extent of inbound adoption in the UK, current marketing challenges, priorities, trends and best practice.

Topics: Inbound Marketing

Is your Content Marketing hitting the mark?

Small organisational chart representing buyer persona identification

In today’s buyers’ market it is crucial to have an understanding of the processes the buyer goes through when making a decision. The buyers’ journey takes them through a number of stages and you need to ensure you are there to educate and provide the relevant resources and content your buyer needs as they move through the process.

Is your content marketing up to scratch? Many businesses are struggling with their content as it is almost entirely focused on the final purchase stage of the customer lifecycle. They focus on company information and product information and wrongly assuming that everyone is ready to make a purchase right there and then.  Whereas in fact statistics show that only about 4% of visitors to your website are actually ready to buy. 

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing

Top Tips for Creating Better Buyer Personas

The buyer has a lot more control in the modern sales process than ever before, undertaking a lot of their own research on the internet and through other means before contacting your company.

In fact 60% of buying process is done before the buyer even makes contact with your company.  

So it’s more critical than ever to thoroughly understand your target customers as your inbound marketing strategy needs to be developed with your target audience in mind.  Marketing is responsible for guiding the customers through the buying journey.  

Envisioning the type of person you are targeting and gaining a deeper level of insight into their goals, pains and motivations will help you develop a highly targeted and cohesive marketing strategy. Each persona will act differently and need different things at each stage of the buying process.

Figure out what your buyer needs help with, what challenges and problems are they looking to overcome and what sort of information and what content will be best suited for these Buyer Personas.

Topics: Content Marketing

B2B Technology Marketing needs Content Engineers

'Content' written on whiteboardA new breed of marketer is emerging as top B2B Technology Marketing roles are becoming more aligned to those of Chief Marketing Engineer (CME). 

Historically, when developing a campaign, marketers started with the creative side of things.  Now the focus is on data first.  Reading signals from data and analytics, targeting and segmentation of the data based on the specific needs of your buyer persona to lead nurturing and moving your prospects through the decision cycle.  Gone are the traditional advertising, event management and outbound methods of yesteryear. 

But wait… what happened to marketing creativity?

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing Industry Focus - Technology

Top 5 Hints and Tips - Email Marketing


People are far more likely to open an email when they know who it's from and what they'll get if they click. Put your company name in the “from” line for quick recognition. Make sure the "Subject" line is specific and spells out the email's contents. Your email has a great deal of competition in a crowded inbox, so if you don't have an engaging subject line the chances of the email being read are slim. It is the reader's first impression of you and is vital to your campaign’s success.


Sure, a picture's worth a thousand words, but these days, those images could be blocked. Make sure your HTML version still looks good and makes your point even without the images. Give people a link to the “pretty” version just in case their email system blocks images.

Topics: Digital Marketing