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Predictive Lead Scoring – Enhancing Data Driven Marketing

HubSpot announces a Predictive Lead Scoring extension to its Enterprise Platform.  

Most companies are sitting on top of a gold mine of data from their CRM and Marketing Automation systems, which they are failing to leverage in their lead generation and lead management processes.

The amount of data can be enormous, even in mid-market organisations. If you move into the Enterprise space (for example technology companies operating globally), then the volume of lead and campaign data is mind-boggling.

So to make use of the volume of lead data, organisations where there is good Sales and Marketing alignment have been using lead scoring for lead generation and lead management purposes.

Topics: B2B Lead Generation HubSpot

4 Reasons Inbound Marketing is Key to Attracting Buyers

Inbound marketing delivers results that other marketing tactics just can't match.  There is great value in creating quality content that aligns with potential buyers’ interests, and then distributing that content through various online channels, such as blogs and social media, to attract potential consumers to your company.

Here are 4 key reasons why Inbound is crucial for a more successful business:

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing B2B Lead Generation

4 Key Benefits of Marketing Automation

The HubSpot 2014 State of Inbound Marketing report revealed that marketing automation is being adopted by B2B organisations at an increasingly fast rate. 

Marketing automation not only improves efficiency, it also leads to improved marketing effectiveness through better targeting, content management, nurturing, scoring and closed-loop tracking. The statistics speak for themselves: 
  • B2B marketers who implement marketing automation software increase their sales pipeline contribution by an average of 10%. (Forrester Research)

  • Companies who use marketing automation convert 53% more leads to marketing qualified leads, and report revenue growth 3.1% higher than non-users. (Aberdeen Group)

Is it time your B2B business considered implementing a marketing automation platform? Integrated marketing automation platforms such as HubSpot provide a number of benefits that are specifically geared towards helping marketers do more with less, making it the perfect solution for teams with limited time and resources, and making it easier to justify the investment in a new tool.

Here are some key benefits of marketing automation:

Topics: Sales & Marketing Alignment B2B Lead Generation HubSpot

Increasing Your Software Sales Pipeline Using Inbound Marketing

If your company is involved with B2B software or technology sales, then you are by now fully aware that the industry is constantly changing and evolving. For this reason it is important that you have a robust inbound marketing strategy in place with which you can boost your business’s visibility and spread the word about your latest software developments and services in the competitive marketplace without being left behind.

Despite the tumultuous times, there are some inbound best practices that are universal and constant which allow you to increase your business’s visibility and ensure that you are attracting potential customers and achieving sales. Stick to the following inbound marketing tips and you will see success in increasing your software sales pipeline.

Topics: Sales Enablement Inbound Marketing B2B Lead Generation Industry Focus - Technology

10 Tips for Lead Generation on Twitter

Lead Generation is a key priority for B2B businesses.  Twitter is a great source of leads and can easily be leveraged by B2B marketers for a steady soruce of leads. 

Tweeting allows for quick and efficient content consumption by a high volume of users. It’s an excellent platform for lead generation, as other users have access to your archives and followers and can quickly favorite or retweet the information relevant to them. Highlight blog posts, landing pages, events, and webinars quickly and easily. 

Here are 10 tips to get you started with Twitter Lead Generation:

Topics: Digital Marketing B2B Lead Generation