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10 Tips for Lead Generation on Twitter

Lead Generation is a key priority for B2B businesses.  Twitter is a great source of leads and can easily be leveraged by B2B marketers for a steady soruce of leads. 

Tweeting allows for quick and efficient content consumption by a high volume of users. It’s an excellent platform for lead generation, as other users have access to your archives and followers and can quickly favorite or retweet the information relevant to them. Highlight blog posts, landing pages, events, and webinars quickly and easily. 

Here are 10 tips to get you started with Twitter Lead Generation:

Topics: Digital Marketing B2B Lead Generation

B2B Lead Generation Using Video

B2B lead generation has got harder over the years with buyers keen to do their own market research before they engage with any vendors. So getting your story out there and accessible is key. Websites, emails, brochures, webinars are all standards in the mix but what about video?

Well, let's look at the evidence...

Topics: Digital Marketing B2B Lead Generation

Top 5 Hints and Tips - Online Surveys


Define the objective for your survey and the specific information that you need to gather. Narrow down what you want to know into one isolated problem that you need to fix, and keep the number of questions as low as possible. Think of the customer’s journey through the survey.


Whilst the survey should be easy to answer, try to vary the answer formats to maintain concentration. For Example use a combination of drop down boxes, free text, radio buttons, scales etc. to find out what they really think.

Topics: Account Based Marketing Digital Marketing

Top 5 Hints and Tips - Email Marketing


People are far more likely to open an email when they know who it's from and what they'll get if they click. Put your company name in the “from” line for quick recognition. Make sure the "Subject" line is specific and spells out the email's contents. Your email has a great deal of competition in a crowded inbox, so if you don't have an engaging subject line the chances of the email being read are slim. It is the reader's first impression of you and is vital to your campaign’s success.


Sure, a picture's worth a thousand words, but these days, those images could be blocked. Make sure your HTML version still looks good and makes your point even without the images. Give people a link to the “pretty” version just in case their email system blocks images.

Topics: Digital Marketing

Web Searches - How to Use SEO to Stand Out From the Crowd

As a B2B Marketer I am sure you are fully aware why online search is so important for B2B Marketing. But how can you set yourself apart? Let’s start with the assumption that you’re already on the first or second page. (If not you might need more technical help with SEO so take a look at how we can help here) and get noticed in search results.

Here are our top three tips for grabbing your buyer’s attention:

Topics: Digital Marketing Inbound Marketing