Latest from the Intellegentia Blog

HubSpot Reporting Module – One Version of the Truth

HubSpot's reporting add-on provides a unified view of pipeline metrics aligning Sales and Marketing within one single reporting solution.

Just consider for a moment the amount of effort your organisation is putting into reporting on business metrics. Every business function has different needs in terms of reporting, and individuals within these business functions need to look at metrics in their own way to work efficiently. The result is a plethora of different reports across your organisation.

Topics: HubSpot

Predictive Lead Scoring – Enhancing Data Driven Marketing

HubSpot announces a Predictive Lead Scoring extension to its Enterprise Platform.  

Most companies are sitting on top of a gold mine of data from their CRM and Marketing Automation systems, which they are failing to leverage in their lead generation and lead management processes.

The amount of data can be enormous, even in mid-market organisations. If you move into the Enterprise space (for example technology companies operating globally), then the volume of lead and campaign data is mind-boggling.

So to make use of the volume of lead data, organisations where there is good Sales and Marketing alignment have been using lead scoring for lead generation and lead management purposes.

Topics: B2B Lead Generation HubSpot

How to Master the HubSpot Social Media 'Inbox'

B2B marketers know that social media, specifically Twitter, is a crucial inbound marketing tool. Social Media can help your company emerge as an industry thought leader, whilst driving a wealth of leads to your website. Time is the only enemy when it comes to engaging, monitoring, and publishing on Twitter. Enter the HubSpot Social Media tool, which offers its users a unique opportunity to interact, monitor, publish, and review analytics all in one spot.

Topics: Digital Marketing HubSpot

Getting to Gold as a HubSpot Integrated Marketing Agency

It’s been another busy week here at Intellegentia, but this Friday we’re celebrating more than usual.

As a top UK HubSpot marketing agency we're excited to announce that Intellegentia have now exceeded the level of Silver Partner (which we achieved last week – told you we’ve been busy!) and is now named a Gold Tier Level Partner with HubSpot!

Topics: Inbound Marketing HubSpot

Intellegentia - HubSpot Certified Partner

Why should B2B organisations be focusing on inbound marketing? According to HubSpot 54% more leads are generated by inbound tactics than traditional paid marketing.

As a HubSpot certified partner, Intellegentia can help you define your inbound marketing strategy and run with it using this software - delivering leads and helping you achieve your sales-related business goals.

Topics: Inbound Marketing HubSpot